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My package is missing or should have been delivered.Updated 7 months ago

My package is missing or possibly delivered to another address.

☯︎ Keep calm and retrace your steps from check-out. 

  • Make sure that you did not accidentally enter the wrong “Ship To” address. We do not and cannot alter or change any address that is provided at check out ahead fulfilling to the carrier. Unless we are given the authority to do so by customer.
  • If you feel that something is not quite right, we urge you to contact us. Do understand that all carriers are 3rd parties. While we have a great amount of experience in working with parcel and freight transporters, these services are not an extension of Zenwaro therefore once an order is within their possession we have no control over their policies and procedures.

• Missing or incorrectly delivered packages is extremely rare and every circumstance is unique. Of course, we always want to be and will be of assistance in these rare circumstances. 

*To the best of our capabilities we ensure that such a situation never occurs. Therefor we conduct a google maps search before booking every order for transport and reach out to individual customers if an error in the provided address appears.

• Should the respective carrier’s tracking portal state that the package was indeed delivered to your address, but you do not have it. 

A few immediate suggestions either before or after contacting us.

  • Have you studied tracking timeline report in a detailed fashion to see if there is an RTS (return to sender) or other report that does not correctly coincide with transport?
  • Have you spoken to any of your neighbors to ensure they did not accidentally accept your package? 
  • Make sure that you are referring to or are identifying the correct online purchase? 
  • If the order shipped with US Postal Service. Do you know your mail carrier and have you spoken with them or made them aware of the situation?
  • Be prepared to contact and possibly visit the UPSP delivery hub / office to ensure there was no issue during the last mile delivery.

Our fulfillment team will be assisting, investigating, and communicating with carrier from our end. All shipments are insured, all steps will be taken to ensure your order is safely received.

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